ForkJoinPool class which is part of Java 7, allows execution of a task that can be split into multiples tasks and the result of each can be combined into one. The following code demonstrates the use of ForkJoinPool class for sorting using QuickSort algorithm.
import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction; public class QuickSortByForkJoinPool extends RecursiveAction { private final int SPLIT_THRESHOLD =200000; private int sortArray []; private int iStart = 0; private int iEnd =0; public QuickSortByForkJoinPool(int[] inList,int start, int end){ this.sortArray = inList; this.iStart = start; this.iEnd = end; } protected void compute() { // System.out.println(iStart + " " + iEnd); doQuickSort(sortArray,iStart,iEnd); } private void doQuickSort(final int inList[], int start, int end){ // System.out.println("In quick sort"); int pivot = inList[start]; // consider this as hole at inList[start], int leftPointer = start; int rightPointer = end; final int LEFT = 1; final int RIGHT = -1; int pointerSide = RIGHT; // we start with right as pivot is from left while (leftPointer != rightPointer) { if (pointerSide == RIGHT) { if (inList[rightPointer] < pivot) { inList[leftPointer] = inList[rightPointer]; leftPointer++; pointerSide = LEFT; } else { rightPointer--; } } else if (pointerSide == LEFT) { if (inList[leftPointer] > pivot) { inList[rightPointer] = inList[leftPointer]; rightPointer--; pointerSide = RIGHT; } else { leftPointer++; } } } //put the pivot where leftPointer and rightPointer collide i.e. leftPointer == rightPointer inList[leftPointer]=pivot; if((leftPointer - start) > 1){ if ((leftPointer - start) > SPLIT_THRESHOLD){ invokeAll(new QuickSortByForkJoinPool(inList, start, leftPointer-1)); }else { doQuickSort(inList, start, leftPointer-1); } } if((end - leftPointer) > 1){ if ((end - leftPointer) > SPLIT_THRESHOLD ){ invokeAll(new QuickSortByForkJoinPool(inList, leftPointer+1, end)); } else { doQuickSort(inList, leftPointer+1, end); } } } public static void main(String [] args){ final int NO_OF_ELEMENT = 10000000; Random random = new Random(); int [] sortArray = new int [NO_OF_ELEMENT ]; for (int i=0; i< NO_OF_ELEMENT ;i++){ sortArray[i] = random.nextInt(NO_OF_ELEMENT ); } ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(); //int [] inArray = {4,2,5,6,9,3,3,3,55657,7878,0,4,4}; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); pool.invoke(new QuickSortByForkJoinPool(sortArray , 0, sortArray .length-1)); System.out.println("Time taken " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); for (int i=1; i<sortArray.length; i++){ //System.out.println(" element at " + i + " : " + sortArray[i] ); } } }
Running quick sort in parallel is easier in java compare to merge sort because each task in quicksort is independent of each other. (In merge sort, you need to wait for subtasks to be finished before the merge is done)
In the merge task, we keep on dividing the array until it is above the threshold and creating subtask to sort it. All subtasks are submitted to ThreadPool for execution.
Code for classes to execute quick sort in parallel
SortTask interface: This interface has only a method that indicates if the task is ready to execute by a thread in the thread pool. Note that the task for quicksort will be always ready as there is no dependency.
public abstract class SortTask implements Runnable{ public abstract boolean isReadyToProcess(); }QuicksortTask class: This is the actual task which a thread in a thread pool executes. The root task of the quick sort divided into many such tasks based on the number of elements in the array that needs to be sorted. If the number of elements under consideration above SPLIT_THRESHOLD then it creates two subtasks otherwise sort those elements in the same task. Here we defined SPLIT_THRESHOLD to 100000 used for sorting a million elements.
import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; public class QuickSortTask extends SortTask { private final int SPLIT_THRESHOLD = 100000; private int sortArray []; private int iStart = 0; private int iEnd =0; ExecutorService threadPool; List futureList; public QuickSortTask(ExecutorService threadPool, List futureList, int[] inList,int start, int end){ this.sortArray = inList; this.iStart = start; this.iEnd = end; this.threadPool =threadPool; this.futureList =futureList; } @Override public boolean isReadyToProcess() { return true; } public void run() { sort(sortArray, iStart, iEnd) ; } private void sort(final int inList[], int start, int end) { int pivot = inList[start]; // consider this as hole at inList[start], int leftPointer = start; int rightPointer = end; final int LEFT = 1; final int RIGHT = -1; int pointerSide = RIGHT; // we start with right as pivot is from left while (leftPointer != rightPointer) { if (pointerSide == RIGHT) { if (inList[rightPointer] < pivot) { inList[leftPointer] = inList[rightPointer]; leftPointer++; pointerSide = LEFT; } else { rightPointer--; } } else if (pointerSide == LEFT) { if (inList[leftPointer] > pivot) { inList[rightPointer] = inList[leftPointer]; rightPointer--; pointerSide = RIGHT; } else { leftPointer++; } } } //put the pivot where leftPointer and rightPointer collide i.e. leftPointer == rightPointer inList[leftPointer]=pivot; if((leftPointer - start) > 1){ if ((leftPointer - start) > SPLIT_THRESHOLD){ futureList.add(threadPool.submit(new QuickSortTask(threadPool,futureList,inList, start, leftPointer-1))); }else { sort(inList, start, leftPointer-1); } } if((end - leftPointer) > 1){ if ((end - leftPointer) > SPLIT_THRESHOLD ){ futureList.add(threadPool.submit(new QuickSortTask(threadPool,futureList,inList, leftPointer+1, end))); } else { sort(inList, leftPointer+1, end); } } } }QuickSortInParallel class: Main class to put everything together. Here we create an instance of ThreadPoolExecutor with 10 threads and create a root task to sort a million random elements. Also, a list to hold Futures returned by submit method of ExecutorService. The get method of Future wait until the task is completed. We remove the Feature from the list when the corresponding task is done.
Empty Features List means all tasks are done and the list is sorted.import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; public class QuickSortInParallel { public static void main(String [] args){ final int NO_OF_ELEMENT = 10000000; Random random = new Random(); int [] sortArray = new int [NO_OF_ELEMENT ]; for (int i=0; i< NO_OF_ELEMENT ;i++){ sortArray[i] = random.nextInt(NO_OF_ELEMENT ); } final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10); List futures = new Vector(); QuickSortTask rootTask = new QuickSortTask (executor,futures,sortArray,0,sortArray.length-1) ; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); futures.add(executor.submit(rootTask)); while(!futures.isEmpty()){ // System.out.println("Future size " +futures.size()); Future topFeature = futures.remove(0); try{ if(topFeature!=null)topFeature.get(); }catch(InterruptedException ie){ ie.printStackTrace(); }catch(ExecutionException ie){ ie.printStackTrace(); } } System.out.println("Time taken " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); for (int i=sortArray.length-1000; i<sortArray.length; i++){ System.out.println(" element at " + i + " : " + sortArray[i] ); } executor.shutdown(); } }
Merge sort is done by dividing the array recursively until there are one or two elements, sort it, and merge it back.
To run merge sort in parallel, we will divide a big array into multiple subtasks.
Here is the logic we will use.
(I) If the size of the array under consideration is bigger than the threshold then divide it and create two sub-tasks of sorting and submit those to the thread pool for execution.
(II) If subtasks of sorting divided array are done, then mere it back.
(III) If the size of the array under consideration is smaller than the threshold then sort it using mergesort in the same task.
Code for classes used in doing mergesort in parallel.
The interface implemented by each subtask
public abstract class SortTask implements Runnable{ public abstract boolean isReadyToProcess(); }
MergeSortTask class which implements SortTask interface
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; /** * @author MaheshT * */ public class MergeSortTask extends SortTask{ private int sortArray []; private int iStart = 0; private int iEnd =0; private int noOfSubtask =0; private final int SPLIT_THRESHOLD = 100000; private int taskDone =0; private MergeSortTask parentTask = null; private SortingThreadPool<SortTask> threadPool = null; private AtomicBoolean splitDone =new AtomicBoolean(false); private Object waitForTaskDone = new Object(); public MergeSortTask(SortingThreadPool<SortTask> threadPool,MergeSortTask parentTask,int [] inList,int start, int end){ this.sortArray = inList; this.iStart = start; this.iEnd = end; this.threadPool = threadPool; this.parentTask = parentTask; } private void splitSortNMerge(){ splitSortNMerge(sortArray, iStart,iEnd); } private void splitSortNMerge(int inList[],int start, int end){ int diff = end - start; int mid = 0; int startIdxFirstArray =0; int endIdxFirstArray =0; int startIdxSecondArray=0; int endIdxSecondArray=0; if (diff > 1){ // more than two then split mid = diff/2; startIdxFirstArray = start; endIdxFirstArray = start + mid; startIdxSecondArray= start + mid +1; endIdxSecondArray= end; if (diff > SPLIT_THRESHOLD){ submitTaskToPool(new MergeSortTask(threadPool,this,sortArray,startIdxFirstArray, endIdxFirstArray)); submitTaskToPool(new MergeSortTask(threadPool,this,sortArray,startIdxSecondArray, endIdxSecondArray)); submitTaskToPool(this); noOfSubtask=2; //merge will be done by calling merge() function, when above tasks are done splitDone.set(true); return; }else { //recursive split and merge splitSortNMerge (inList,startIdxFirstArray, endIdxFirstArray); splitSortNMerge (inList,startIdxSecondArray, endIdxSecondArray); merge(inList,startIdxFirstArray,endIdxFirstArray,startIdxSecondArray, endIdxSecondArray); } }else if (diff == 1){ // two element if (inList[start] > inList[end]){ //swap int tempVar = inList[start]; inList[start] = inList[end]; inList[end] = tempVar; } } } private void merge(){ int startIdxFirstArray =0; int endIdxFirstArray =0; int startIdxSecondArray=0; int endIdxSecondArray=0; int diff = iEnd - iStart; int mid = 0; mid = diff/2; startIdxFirstArray = iStart; endIdxFirstArray = iStart + mid; startIdxSecondArray=iStart + mid +1; endIdxSecondArray= iEnd; merge(sortArray,startIdxFirstArray,endIdxFirstArray,startIdxSecondArray,endIdxSecondArray); } private static void merge(int [] inList,int startIdxFirstArray,int endIdxFirstArray, int startIdxSecondArray, int endIdxSecondArray){ int firstArryPtr = startIdxFirstArray; int secondArryPtr = startIdxSecondArray; int [] tempArry = new int [endIdxSecondArray-startIdxFirstArray +1 ] ; //merge in sorted order int tempIdx =0; for (tempIdx=0;tempIdx < tempArry.length ; tempIdx++){ if ( inList[firstArryPtr] < inList[secondArryPtr]){ tempArry[tempIdx] = inList[firstArryPtr]; firstArryPtr++; if (firstArryPtr > endIdxFirstArray) break; }else { tempArry[tempIdx] = inList[secondArryPtr]; secondArryPtr++; if (secondArryPtr > endIdxSecondArray) break; } } if (firstArryPtr > endIdxFirstArray){ while (tempIdx < tempArry.length-1){ tempIdx++; tempArry[tempIdx]= inList[secondArryPtr]; secondArryPtr++; } }else if (secondArryPtr > endIdxSecondArray){ while (tempIdx < tempArry.length-1){ tempIdx++; tempArry[tempIdx]= inList[firstArryPtr]; firstArryPtr++; } } //copy sorted array for (int j=0;j < tempArry.length ; j++){ inList[startIdxFirstArray+j] = tempArry[j]; } } public boolean isReadyToProcess(){ if (!splitDone.get()){ return true; }else if (taskDone==noOfSubtask){ return true; }else { return false; } } public synchronized void subTaskDone(){// taskDone++; } private void submitTaskToPool(MergeSortTask sortTask){ threadPool.addTask(sortTask); } public void run(){ if (splitDone.get()){ this.merge(); }else { this.splitSortNMerge(); } if (taskDone==noOfSubtask) { if (parentTask !=null){ this.parentTask.subTaskDone(); } synchronized(waitForTaskDone){ waitForTaskDone.notifyAll(); } } } public int [] get() throws InterruptedException { if (splitDone.get() && taskDone==noOfSubtask ){ return sortArray; }else { synchronized(waitForTaskDone){ waitForTaskDone.wait(); } } return sortArray; } public String toString() { return "Task to sort from " + this.iStart +" To "+this.iEnd ; } }
Thread pool which will execute each task when it ready to process.
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class SortingThreadPool<E extends SortTask > { List<E> taskList = new ArrayList<E>(); List<WorkerThread> workers = new ArrayList<WorkerThread>(); boolean shutdown = false; public SortingThreadPool(int noOfThreads){ //add worker to connection pool for (int i=0; i <noOfThreads;i++){ WorkerThread workerThread =new WorkerThread("Worker: "+i ); workers.add(workerThread); workerThread.start(); } } public void addTask(E e){ synchronized(taskList){ taskList.add(e); //System.out.println("Added task " + e); //done adding all tasks, notify all waiting threads. taskList.notifyAll(); } } public void shutDown(){ shutdown = true; synchronized(taskList){ taskList.notifyAll(); } } private class WorkerThread extends Thread { public WorkerThread(String name){ super(name); } public void run(){ System.out.println("Starting thread "); while (!shutdown || !taskList.isEmpty() ){ //System.out.println("Reading task 2"); try{ synchronized(taskList){ // System.out.println("Reading task"); E tempTask= null; for (E myTask : taskList){ // System.out.println( "Checking " +myTask); if ( myTask.isReadyToProcess()){ tempTask = myTask; } } if (tempTask !=null){ //System.out.println( this.getName() + " working on " + tempTask); taskList.remove(tempTask);; }else { if ( !shutdown || !taskList.isEmpty()){ System.out.println("Going to wait " + this.getName() + " size " + taskList.size()); taskList.wait(); } } //give other treads chance to work on tasks Thread.yield(); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } System.out.println("Exiting thread " + this.getName()); } } }
Finally, the main class will create an instance of a thread pool and submit a task of the sort a million random numbers.
import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; public class MergeSortInParallel { public static void main (String [] args){ final int NO_OF_ELEMENT = 10000000; Random random = new Random(); int [] sortArray = new int [NO_OF_ELEMENT ]; for (int i=0; i< NO_OF_ELEMENT ;i++){ sortArray[i] = random.nextInt(NO_OF_ELEMENT ); } //int []sortArray = {16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}; //int []sortArray = {10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}; SortingThreadPool<SortTask> threadPool = new SortingThreadPool<SortTask>(10); MergeSortTask sortTask = new MergeSortTask(threadPool,null,sortArray,0,sortArray.length-1); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); threadPool.addTask(sortTask); try{ sortTask.get(); }catch(InterruptedException ie){ ie.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Time taken " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); threadPool.shutDown(); // for (int i=0; i<sortArray.length; i++){ // System.out.println(" element at " + i + " : " + sortArray[i] ); // } } }
Steps in mergesort
Steps in one iteration of a quick sort:
Quicksort implementation in Java
import java.util.Random; /** * @author MaheshT * */ public class QuickSort { private void sort(final int inList[], int start, int end) { int pivot = inList[start]; // consider this as hole at inList[start], int leftPointer = start; int rightPointer = end; final int LEFT = 1; final int RIGHT = -1; int pointerSide = RIGHT; // we start with right as pivot is from left while (leftPointer != rightPointer) { if (pointerSide == RIGHT) { if (inList[rightPointer] < pivot) { inList[leftPointer] = inList[rightPointer]; leftPointer++; pointerSide = LEFT; } else { rightPointer--; } } else if (pointerSide == LEFT) { if (inList[leftPointer] > pivot) { inList[rightPointer] = inList[leftPointer]; rightPointer--; pointerSide = RIGHT; } else { leftPointer++; } } } //put the pivot where leftPointer and rightPointer collide inList[leftPointer]=pivot; if((leftPointer - start) > 1){ sort(inList, start, leftPointer-1); } if((end - leftPointer) > 1){ sort(inList, leftPointer+1, end); } } public static void main(String[] args) { final int NO_OF_ELEMENT = 10000000; Random random = new Random(); int [] myArray = new int [NO_OF_ELEMENT]; for (int i=0; i< NO_OF_ELEMENT ;i++){ myArray[i] = random.nextInt(NO_OF_ELEMENT ); } QuickSort quickSort = new QuickSort(); // int [] myArray = {2,8,3,9,8,2,3,2,4,3,4,5,3,4,5,8}; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); quickSort.sort(myArray, 0, myArray.length-1); System.out.println("Time taken " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); for (int i=myArray.length-1000; i<myArray.length; i++){ System.out.println(" element at " + i + " : " + myArray[i] ); } } }
Matching data from two different files with one or more common keys can be done without loading files into the database by
using the sort and join command from the Unix. Join is the command which joins data from different files but before you join the two files
it needs to be in sorted order, that’s where we going to use sort.
Here is the example with two files having data delimited by the pipe
Data from employee.dat with key employee_id, Name, and department_id delimited by the pipe
4|John | 10
Department file with deparment_id and its name delimited by the pipe.
2| Manufacturing
3| Engineering
4 |Marketing
5| Sales
6| Information technology
7| Security
Our aim is to put the department name in front of each person. As deparment_id is common in both files, we going to join by department_id. As mentioned above, the field we going to use for joining should be in sorted order. Department file it is already in sorted but in Employee.dat is not, so we going to sort it first.
Here is command for sorting Employee.dat file
sort -t “|” -k3 Employee.dat > Employee_sort.dat
Here -t “|” indicates that the fields are delimited by the pipe
-k3 for sorting file by the third field which is deparment_id
> Employee_sort.dat for sending output to Employee_sort.dat
Content of Employee_sort.dat file
4|John | 7
Now we have both files are in sorted order by deparment_id, we can use the join command to put employee and department name
join -t “|” -1 3 -2 1 Employee_sort.dat Dept.dat
-t “| ” indicated files are delimited by the pipe
-1 3 for the third column of file 1 i.e deparment_id from Employee_sort.dat file
-2 1 for the first column of file 2 i.e. deparment_id from Dept.dat file
By using the above command, we get the following output.
2|20|Peter| Manufacturing
3|21|David| Engineering
4|1|Monica| Marketing
5|12|Louis| Sales
6|13|Barbara| Information technology
If you want to get everything from file 2 and corresponding entries in file 1
You can also use -a and -v options
try following commands
join -t “|” -1 3 -2 1 -v2 Employee_sort.dat Dept.dat
join -t “|” -1 3 -2 1 -a2 Employee_sort.dat Dept.dat
Implementing Threads in java
There are the following two ways to implements threads.
1. By extending Thread class
2. By implementing the Runnable interface and overwriting the run method.
Let’s look at both ways of implementing java threads through a code example.
1. By extending Thread Class
public class TestThread extends Thread{ public void run(){ System.out.println("Running in Thread"); } public static void main(String [] args){ TestThread testthread = new TestThread(); // Call start method to run thread and NOT run.// testthread.start(); } }2. By implementing the Runnable interface.
public class TestThread implements Runnable{ public TestThread(){ } public void doWork(){ //create instance of Thread and pass this class as argument. Thread worker = new Thread(this); worker.start(); } // overwrite run method public void run(){ System.out.println("Running in test Thread"); } public static void main(String [] args){ TestThread testthread = new TestThread(); testthread.doWork(); } }Thread Pool
The creation of a thread takes resources and time. In a server environment (Web or app server) where you can expect continuous requests for web pages, creating threads for each request and letting it die is a waste of CPU resources. In such environments, you can create a thread pool.Thread pool is a collection of pre-created threads that work on tasks when it available. If there is no task to finish, threads return to the pool and wait for the next request.
Example of Thread Pool
//Thread pool import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; public class ThreadPool { List<Task> taskList = new ArrayList<Task>(); List<WorkerThread> workers = new ArrayList<WorkerThread>(); boolean shutdown = false; public ThreadPool(int noOfThreads){ //add worker to connection pool for (int i=0; i <noOfThreads;i++){ WorkerThread workerThread =new WorkerThread("Worker: "+i ); workers.add(workerThread); workerThread.start(); } } public void putTaskForExecution(int numberOfTask){ synchronized(taskList){ for (int i =0;i <numberOfTask;i++){ taskList.add(new Task(i)); } //done adding all tasks, notify all waiting threads. taskList.notifyAll(); } } public void shutDown(){ shutdown = true; synchronized(taskList){ taskList.notifyAll(); } } class Task { int taskNo = 0; public Task(int taskNo) { this.taskNo = taskNo; } public void doTask(){ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Finished task " +taskNo); } } private class WorkerThread extends Thread { public WorkerThread(String name){ super(name); } public void run(){ System.out.println("Starting thread "); while (!shutdown || !taskList.isEmpty() ){ try{ synchronized(taskList){ if (!taskList.isEmpty()){ Task myTask = taskList.remove(0); myTask.doTask(); }else { //no task to work on, wait for more work taskList.wait(); } //give other treads chance to work on tasks Thread.yield(); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } System.out.println("Exiting thread " + this.getName()); } } public static void main(String [] args){ System.out.println("Starting thread server"); //create threads pool with 10 threds ThreadPool threadPool = new ThreadPool(10); //add task to thread pool and let it run threadPool.putTaskForExecution(100); System.out.println("Enter 1 to add more task and 0 exit"); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; while(true){ int i = sc.nextInt(); if (i == 1){ threadPool.putTaskForExecution(100); }else if(i == 0 ){ threadPool.shutDown(); break; }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Input"); } System.out.println("Enter 1 to add more tasks and 0 exit"); } sc.close(); } }As creating pool and managing treads is a bit complex, in Java 5, we have ready-to-use classes which creates a pool of threads and manages those for you.
Let’s look at an example of creating a thread pool using Thread Executors.import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; public class ThreadPoolExe { final List <Task> taskList = new ArrayList<Task>(); final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5); Runnable active; ThreadPoolExe() { } public void finishWork(){ while(!taskList.isEmpty()){ Task task = taskList.remove(0); System.out.println("Working on task " + task.taskNo); executor.execute(task); } } public void putTaskForExecution(int numberOfTask){ for (int i =0;i <numberOfTask;i++){ taskList.add(new Task(i)); } } public void shutdown(){ executor.shutdown(); } private class Task implements Runnable { int taskNo = 0; public Task(int taskNo) { this.taskNo = taskNo; } public void run (){ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Finished task:" +taskNo); try{ Thread.sleep(1000); }catch( Exception e){} } } public static void main(String [] args){ System.out.println("Starting thread server"); //create threads pool with 10 threds ThreadPoolExe threadPoolExe = new ThreadPoolExe(); //add task to thread pool and let it run threadPoolExe.putTaskForExecution(100); threadPoolExe.finishWork(); threadPoolExe.shutdown(); } }
For yearly compounding:
if compounding is more than once a year
For continues compounding
Where r = interest rate per period.
N= Number of the compounding period.
m= Number of compounding periods per year.
Effective annual interest rate:
Annuity: It is a finite set of fixed payments over a period of time.
An ordinary annuity is an annuity whose payments are made at the end of each period (t = 1)
An annuity-due is an annuity whose payments are made at the beginning of each period. (t = 0)
Future value of annuity
which is equivalent to
With Frequency of compounding
which is same as
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